While always honoring the importance of the physically pleasurable component of all spiritual awakening, Gwendalyn has put the format of the Conscious Come-In events on hold as she follows the bright light of her spirit, knowing that someday she inevitably will become the patron saint of orgasm. Sign up to stay informed!
From the privacy of your home, relax and enjoy as Gwendalyn, her Co-Host, Goddess of Orgasmic Love and Light (GOLL), and their combined higher Selves guide you in creating a unified force field of energetic, orgasmic blessing to help you feel better and light your way.
Since the Divine calls the shots, we can't say specifically what will happen (think dance party exploding into spiritual bliss).
You see, we all have energy centers that fuel our bodies and drive our lives. The most powerful of these is in the pelvis, and it often gets overlooked in favor of the head, or perhaps the heart. The goal of the Conscious Come-in is to bring your pelvic energy center back on line so you can tap into it throughout your day, not just in bed. We call this phenomenon the Orgasmic Blessing. It can help you in fall more deeply in love with yourself.
There are volumes we could say about the innocence and purity of spiritual orgasm and its transformative, energizing, creative power. In a nutshell, the work of Orgasmic Blessing is discovering how to honor your vital life force energy by using only your awareness, without the normal physical stimulation. It’s first about knowing and connecting to your own energy, which will naturally spill over into enhanced lovemaking that can become exponential when both partners are attuned.
During the Conscious Come-in Gwendalyn and GOLL use their breath, movement, music and sound to lead you into this new possibility for being alive and vibrant, while words are provided by her beloved angels that travel with her always. All the while, our unified field of consciousness spreads light across the planet. Even if you only listen to the replay, you are still, quantum-wise, included in this field.
The Conscious Come-in comes out of an inspiration Gwendalyn has held since 1982. She is, in fact, the Divine Orgasm Wisdom Keeper. The work of Orgasmic Blessing could also be called a de-sexualization of orgasm, or a sexualization of all life, or a unification of the human energy field.
If you're able, you can allow an activation to occur during this experience to feel the divine nectar flood your whole body. And, as you learn to integrate this wisdom, you'll be able to juice yourself up orgasmically whenever you want, imperceptibly. Make no mistake: As with any upleveling, cultivating the skills to consistently live in your Orgasmic Blessing may require years of devotion--and bring huge fun and satisfaction along the way, if you allow it to.
Be very clear. The kind of orgasm we are teaching here is a spiritual event, completely hands free, where you learn to connect your breath with your life force. This is the most direct path we've found to connect you to the truth of who you are and what is really possible for you in this life.
We're excited to get you started!
Here's a short preparation video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/111mdLICay69kmabiudsSK7ceGSpD0wh5/view?usp=sharing
Entry: FREE, See Below to Donate
18+ only please
The co-host of the Conscious Come-In, Goddess of Orgasmic Light and Love brings a lifetime of strength, joy, prosperity and truth to create an alchemy of love in the event. She believes practices the discipline of fun and knows how to co-create an energy field of bliss.
This and the Conscicous Come-in Prep Series that follows in the playlist will lay out a bit of the foundation for this life changing experience.
" Your presentation was perfect and your Conscious Come-In message was awesome and touched me and inspired me to breathe in the truth that all loves me, and you feel it’s love organically transferred to you and it’s fun and this is what you wish for everyone to experience from their own energy supply."
--Joanetta C.
"I felt safe, open and trusting. Thank you and All."
--Brooke B.
"Gwendalyn is a welcoming facilitator of the divine energies. A loving, calm experience hearing the gifts of the non-seen world. Gwen is a trusting and confident host providing a safe and comfortable space for participants to relax, learn and contemplate the messages from the higher dimensions. I would highly recommend this experience."
--Deb K.
"If you want to improve your life and a big way, this is a really good first step. Or, if you’ve experienced trauma (ever!) and your life seems out of balance or needs positive direction, you should do this. I went to my first quantum sync with my son, with no expectations at all. For me, it was just a date with my son and I had no idea what to expect, nor any idea what was about to happen and how dramatically my life would change.
I was somewhat uncomfortable with the idea of Guided Meditation but I worked through it. I’m not sure guided meditation is what Gwendalyn would call it, but in my experience with the public, that is the most widely understood term that I know.
What happened, much to my pleasant amazement, was that everything in my life was about to change very quickly, for the better. I’m not talking about small changes. I’m talking about everything in my life changing, including my career and where I live. I shed the baggage of everything being so difficult. Not only are things changing, but they are working out far better than I expected.
Since my first event just over a year ago, I have become a Licensed Massage Therapist - something I wanted to do for 15 years. I am told by many that I have a gift.
The gift is intuition, which at the time, I knew very little about. I had no idea how to understand it until I experienced a series of things, the first and most important being Quantum Sync. This put me on the path to changing my whole life, and fast! Good things happened to me so quickly, I could hardly keep up with them. (Actually, I was manifesting them, still am, always will.)
With Gwendalyn’s help through her work, I will continue to develop and share my healing energies. I also want to share and thank a young lady that I met that night for sharing a piece of wisdom that also changed my life. To paraphrase, “When we learn and grow from our pain, it benefits the collective (everyone)".
In my own words, We do not suffer for the sake of suffering. We experience pain to learn, grow, and ease the pain of others. I strongly, emphatically recommend this as the first step in YOUR life changing experience. "❤️
--Karen W.
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Yes, it's just what it sounds like. Since 2/14 of 2014 at 2:14am GMT, we have been releasing our greatest joy together in a world wide orgasmic explosion for peace, love and abundance for every one on planet Earth. Join us in consciousness for this tradition.